On the 48th week of 2023, as part of his research track, DR7, Miguel Figueirinhas, went to the associated partner Thales Nederland BV (Thales), in Hengelo, The Netherlands.
Miguel’s main research topic, Interconnects Characterization, is looking at investigating the shielding effectiveness (SE) of real complex 3D structures, and how to characterize the plethora of interconnect types. To achieve this, in parallel, an investigation into on-site measurement techniques is currently underway, and the work conducted at Thales, in the Environmental Competence Centre (ECC), facilitated such study, by allowing the use of real, full-size, enclosures to perform the relevant measurements. In doing so, a new insight into the measurement procedure was acquired, and further research will continue to be undertaken in this area. The results of this work are set to be published in the near future and contribute to further develop the Safe and Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) framework within the scope of the PARASOL project.
We would like to extend a special thank you to Hans Schipper, at Thales, for his valuable time and shared knowledge in relation to the work conducted at the ECC, as well as Prof.Dr. Frank Leferink, and Dr. Robert Vogt-Ardatjew for the valuable discussions and guidance.