Martin Robinson
Collaborative and interdisciplinary science, researching applications of electromagnetic waves, dielectric materials, resonant cavities and shielding.
Dr. Martin Robinson
martin.robinson at
Martin Robinson’s first degree was in Natural Sciences (University of Cambridge), specialising in Physics. After working at the National Physical Laboratory in Teddington, he obtained an MSc in Medical Physics from the University of Aberdeen, and then did his PhD at the University of Bristol, while employed by the National Health Service at Bristol Oncology Centre to work on hyperthermia treatment and dielectric imaging. He joined the Department of Electronics (now part of the School of Physics, Engineering and Technology) in 1993 as a Research Fellow and has stayed here ever since, apart from a short spell in the Medical Cryobiology Unit. He is currently a Senior Lecturer in the Communications Technology Research Group.
Martin’s research interests include the application of microwave and radio frequency techniques to a wide range of problems including electromagnetic compatibility and shielding. He has worked on intermediate-level circuit models for predicting shielding effectiveness, and more recently on statistical models for electromagnetic fields inside enclosures (such as aircraft) – this has practical applications in determining effects on radio propagation, as well as assessing human exposure to the fields. He enjoys interdisciplinary research and has collaborated with investigators in healthcare, biology, chemistry and archaeology as well as electronic engineering.
Martin has served as Secretary to the UK Panel for URSI and has chaired Special Interest Groups of IPEM and IoP.