Robert Vogt-Ardatjew

Robert Vogt-Ardatjew

Here for shields and giggles. Robert Vogt-Ardatjew
r.a.vogtardatjew at

Robert Vogt-Ardatjew received his MSc degree in Electronics and Telecommunications from Wrocław University of Science and Technology in Poland, with a distinction for his thesis “The use of Modulated Scatterer Technique for field mapping in the vicinity of an electromagnetic absorber”. In 2011, he worked on electromagnetic probe characterization and evaluation of reverberation chambers at Thales Nederland in Hengelo, the Netherlands.

Between 2012 and 2017, he pursued his PhD degree in the Telecommunication Engineering Group at the University of Twente in Enschede, the Netherlands, resulting in a thesis titled “Electromagnetic fields in reverberant environments”. Upon graduation, he continued to work at the University of Twente in the Power Electronics and EMC group as a Researcher, and since June 2021 as an Assistant Professor, taking part in multiple European projects.

His research interests include electromagnetic fields and reverberation chambers, and their applications in EMC, with a special focus on shielding effectiveness and on-site emissions measurements.