Mireya Fernández Chimeno

Prof. Mireya Fernández Chimeno
mireia.fernandez at upc.edu
Mireya Fernández Chimeno received a degree in Telecommunications Engineering, specialization in Electronics from the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC), Spain, in 1990 and a PhD in Telecommunications Engineering in 1996 from the same University. Since 1998. She is an Associate Professor at the Department of Electronic Engineering of the UPC. She belongs to the Biomedical and Electronic Instrumentation Group, where he develops her research.
She also belongs to GCEM, Grup of Electromagnetic Compatibility of the UPC from which she is the Quality Manager, and to the CREB, Centre for Research of Biomedical Engineering of the UPC, both centres are part of the TECNIO network of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
Her fields of research interest are:
The design and development of biomedical instrumentation for medical and non-medical environments, especially focused on the latter aspect in the field of automotive, where since 2008 she collaborates with the FICOSA business group in the development of biomedical systems for the detection of drowsiness in drivers and for the evaluation of their state of attention. Four international patents have born from this collaboration.
Instrumentation design for electromagnetic compatibility measures, focused on the development of near-field probes and the evaluation of uncertainty of measurement methods.
Mireya was a visiting researcher at the Department of Health Sciences, University of York, United Kingdom (2003), and deputy director of teaching laboratories at the School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB), UPC (1996-2000). She was also councillor of the town of Gelida, Barcelona (2007 – 2011), where she was responsible for the fields of new technologies and citizen participation. She is co-author of more than 100 scientific and academic publications (articles, conference communications and books) and 7 patents. She was a member of the organizing committee of EMC Europe 2006 Barcelona, and of EMC Europe 2019 Barcelona, Program Chair of Biodevices 2013, member of the Biodevices / Biostec program committee since 2013 and PhyCS since 2017.