Miguel Loureiro Figueirinhas


Miguel Figueirinhas was born in Setúbal, Portugal, in 1998. He received his BSc. in Electrical Engineering from Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal in 2020. He was awarded the Masters of Science Degree in the specialization field of Automation and Industrial Electronics from Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal in 2023, with the topic “Study of Overcurrent and Overvoltage Protection Circuits for Fully Controlled Semiconductor Devices”.

During his studies he was a student assistant in his faculty for 3 years and during six months he was a research assistant withing project CERN KE-4127/TE, aimed at developing a solid-state Marx Generator for Thyratron module replacement, within the Future Circular Collider (FCC) at CERN. He started as a Doctoral Researcher at the Power Electronics and Electromagnetic Compatibility (PE) group in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) at the University of Twente (UT), working on “Parasol – European Doctoral Network for Safe and Sustainable Electromagnetic Shielding Solutions for Mobility”  that centres on the Safe and Sustainable-by-Design (SSbD) approach to investigate electromagnetic (EM) shielding solutions as applied to vehicles, given that these are performance-defining technologies in terms of EM safety, weight, volume, mechanical strength and cost. His topic withing Work Package 3 of the Parasol Project “Interconnects Characterization”, will investigate the shielding effectiveness of real complex 3D structures such as boxes, enclosures, and (parts of) cars, planes or ships, focusing on the characterization of various interconnect types that will serve as a tool for estimating and optimizing the SE in applications ranging from small full-metal, composite, and embedded plastic structures, interfaces, feedthroughs, to complete ships, rooms, or buildings, including monitoring the effects of breaching, corrosion, and deterioration over time.