Johan Catrysse
Professor with a specialised experience in shielding materials and measurements. Making the EMC community not-shielded against the environment, but engaged to solve the problems.

Johan Catrysse – (M’78 – SM’05 – LSM’12) was born in Brugge (Belgium). He received the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Ghent (Belgium) in 1971, and the Ph.D. degree from the KULeuven in 2005. He was a full professor at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Technology Campus Oostende (formerly Catholic University College KHBO in Oostende). He started to be involved in EMC research from 1984, in the domain of characterizing conductive plastics on their Shielding Effectiveness behaviour. A few years later, research resulted in the development of two types of measuring cells, also suited for the characterization of conductive gaskets. In 1991, a full EMC research laboratory was established, with the main focus on shielding issues and the testing of large machinery. In 2002, the focus of the laboratory was expanded into the global reliability of electronic systems, ranging from EMC to HALT testing as the Flanders Mechatronics Engineering Centre (FMEC). Prof. Catrysse is co-founder and member of the Steering Committee of the EMC Europe Symposia since 1994 and was chairman/organiser of these symposia in 2000 and 2013 in Brugge (Belgium). He was involved in several European research projects in the EMC domain, such as COST 261 and COST 286, TEMCA2 on the EMC characterisation of large machinery in situ and HIRF SE. Prof. Catrysse served as an associated editor of the IEEE Transactions on EMC, and is still a reviewer of these Transactions. He was from 2008 upto 2014 an associated professor at MICAS/ESAT/KULeuven. Although retired, he is still involved in working groups on standardisation of shielding materials and conductive gaskets (IEEE Std 299 and IEEE Std 1302). Together with Prof. Pissoort, who is actually heading the FMEC laboratory, he is still involved in research topics about the characterisation of shielding materials up to 80 GHz and very low frequency EMC related problems in electric vehicles. Prof. Catrysse received in 2014 the “Hall of Fame” award of the IEEE EMC Society, for his “research activities on the characterisation of high-frequency shielding effectiveness of materials and gaskets”.