Latest Past Events

PARASOL Network Wide Event I

We are looking forward to the first Network Wide Event for PARASOL! 🌟 From 25 to 28th of March, the PARASOL consortium will be in Bruges, Belgium. Our Doctoral Researchers will present their latest work, brainstorm about the application of Safe-and-Sustainable-by-Design framework in their individual projects as well as PARASOL as a whole, receive immersive training…

PARASOL Kick-off meeting

Eindhoven University of Technology

Past event: PARASOL Kick-off meeting On 9th and 10th of October, the first live meeting in the PARASOL project will take place in Eindhoven, the Netherlands! We have an exciting program, with an introduction to PARASOL, an introduction from all our Doctoral Researchers and an introduction of some of our associated industrial partners. There is…