Andy Marvin

Andy Marvin

Electromagnetic Compatibility measurements research including shielding, measurement antennas, reverberation chambers, and thermal noise.

Andy took his B.Eng, M.Eng, and PhD degrees at the University of Sheffield between 1969 and 1977. His PhD research was on the realisation of active super-directive antennas. Between 1977 and 1979 he worked at the British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) in Bristol where amongst other topics he was involved in the computational assessment of the magnetic field distribution generated by the solar panel arrays built by BAC for the Hubble Space Telescope under differing illumination and shading conditions. He moved to the University of York in 1979 as the first lecturer in Electronics. He was promoted to full Professor in 1995. He is co-inventor of the Bilog EMC measurement antenna, widely sold and copied by EMC equipment suppliers. He was appointed as the Technical Director of York EMC Services Ltd in 1995. He retired from both these roles in 2017 and was made Professor Emeritus at the University of York in 2018. Since then he has continued his research in Shielding measurement techniques and in thermal noise effects in reverberation chambers. This latter work is supported by a Leverhulme Foundation Emeritus Fellowship.

He was Vice-Chairman of the IEEE Std-299 Working Group on Shielding Effectiveness Measurement, and was also Vice-Chairman of the IEEE EMC Society Standards Advisory and Co-ordination Committee. From 1994 to 2015 he was an Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on EMC.

He has contributed lectures on Antennas and on Shielding to the IEEE EMCS Global University and Chaired its Faculty in 2010.
He is a founder member of the International Steering Committee of EMC Europe conferences, Conference Co-Chair of EMC Europe 2011 (York) and Chair of the International Steering Committee from 2015 – 2018. He was a member of the UK National Measurement System Advisory Panels on Innovation Research and Development and Materials and Modelling from 2008 to 2015.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and an IEEE Life Fellow. Currently he is a Council Member of the Yorkshire Philosophical Society and Chief Flying Instructor at the York Gliding Centre.