From April 15th to May 18th, Lirim Koraqi (DR3) and Julio Parra (DR12) completed their first secondment at Thales Nederland in Hengelo, The Netherlands, as part of the DN-PARASOL programme.
Lirim’s research focuses on characterizing the shielding effectiveness of planar materials at low frequencies (from 9 kHz up to 20 MHz), while Julio’s work involves investigating new measurement methods in the time domain for shielding effectiveness characterization. This collaboration allows the sharing of expertise, using low-frequency shielding as a common ground and analyzing it from both time and frequency domain perspectives.
Their measurements, conducted using different methodologies to characterize the apertures, materials, and chambers, provided valuable insights into the behavior of shielding effectiveness. This collaboration between the DRs, industry, and the university facilitated a comprehensive validation of their findings from multiple perspectives.
We want to extend a special thank you to Hans Schipper at Thales for his time and guidance at the Thales facilities. Thanks also to Prof. Dr. ir. Frank Leferink, Dr. Marco Azpúrua, and Prof. Dr. Davy Pissoort for their valuable discussions and guidance.